
since version 4.11.3

Clip an image or other output

Child elements

Barcode, Box, Circle, Frame, Image, Rule, Table, Textblock, Transformation

Parent elements

A, B, Case, Color, Fontface, ForAll, I, Li, Loop, NoBreak, Otherwise, Paragraph, PlaceObject, Span, U, URL, Until, While


bottom (length, optional)

The amount of clip from the bottom border.

height (length, optional)

The clipped height of the object. Should be used with one of top or bottom.

left (length, optional)

The amount of clip from the left border.

method (optional)

Set the resize method of the resulting object.


Clip and shrink the object.


Just hide the outer frame of the object, do not change the size.

right (length, optional)

The amount of clip from the right border.

top (length, optional)

The amount of clip from the top border.

width (length, optional)

The clipped width of the object. Should be used with one of left or right.


<PlaceObject frame="solid">
    <Clip left="1cm" right="1cm" top="1cm" bottom="2cm" method="clip">
        <Image width="5cm" file="_sampleb.pdf" />

See also
